Sunday, January 17, 2016

Reading Challenges!

Yet another year has passed, and to the bookish world, this means the end of the previous reading challenges (whether failed or achieved) and the start of a new goal. I've seen the numbers ranged from 15 to 350, and while it is admirable to see people excited to read so much, I seem to be one of the few who do not partake in the yearly challenges.

In 2014, I wrote down each and every book I read.  At the end of the year, I counted them up.  I don't remember the exact number (somewhere in the seventies), but I do remember feeling proud at the quantity of novels I had consumed.  However, I never set a goal for myself.  I have never had the desire to put that sort of pressure on myself.

To me, reading had always been a hobby.  A passion.  I read books because I love them, and I blog about them because I love them.  By setting a number of books I have to read, it detracts from the joy.  Reading transforms into a job--a chore.  

To me, it has never been about the number.  It has always been about the content. Quality over quantity, eh?  I don't want the mindset of struggling toward a goal to impact the one thing I love the most.  

To others, I reading challenges are fun and, well, challenging.  To me, they're about not reading for joy, but reading for a number and, occasionally, bragging rights.  I have no idea how many books I read in 2015.  I'm okay with this.  In fact, I am perfectly content.

I don't want the stress the reading challenges bring.  Being forced to read, in a way, by the weight of the number, even when you may not feel particularly like reading--that feels too much like an obligation and less like a choice to do something I enjoy. 


  1. Great discussion, Erin! Reading has always been a hobby to me. I read for fun but I do enjoy a challenge. My goal this year is to read 75 books but why do I set a reading goal/challenge if I just read to... read? Like I said, I enjoy the challenge! My goal/challenge has never pressured me and sometimes- I forget about my goal/challenge! My point is that reading is still a hobby for me but I'll still give myself a reading challenge/goal. Read on, Erin!

    anna | annaish

    1. Thanks, Anna! I like a challenge, too, on the occasion. But for some reason, not on reading. I hope you reach 75 this year, and I have no doubt you are extremely capable of doing so. ❤ Thanks so much for commenting!

  2. I seriously think you deserve a medal for this post - what you've written just makes so much sense. I have never been great at meeting definite goals of any sort and in the end they just end up being an extra layer of pressure. Yet I always feel guilty about not taking part in reading challenges etc. But not anymore... nope, I'm adopting the Erin philosophy! I feel like I should say thank you, so I'm going to say thank you. If you couldn't already tell, I loved this post so much, Erin! <3
    P.S those photos are gorgeous :-)

    1. Aww, thank you, Rebekah! You're too sweet, really. I just find reading challenges so stressful, and I already have ENOUGH stress, thank you. Besides, it should be about WHAT you read, not HOW MANY. We can ignore pesky challenges together! I'm glad you like the photos, Rebekah, and thanks for commenting! ❤

  3. I love this way of thinking, Erin! It isn't about quantity, it's about the quality - like you said. This year I'm trying to make more of effort to read some really good books, rather than constantly picking up short books to build up my number stats.

    1. Thanks, Rachel! I definitely think it is the content that matters, not the number. I like reading GOOD books, as I think most people do, no matter the length. Thanks for commenting! ❤

  4. Read a little. Read a lot. Then read some more. Eventually, you will realize you have more books than book shelves. Between us we must have over 500 books. Some are old friends. All are much needed companions for our brains and a part of our souls.

    1. Read a LOT, for sure! :) And speaking of bookshelves, I need more... (hint, hint). One day we should count how many books we have. It would take ages.

  5. Definitely! That's one thing I dislike about reading challenges - they sometimes stress me out wayyyy too much! I think the important thing to remember is yeah, you're reading for the joy of it, and not to take the challenges TOO seriously if you're participating in any!
    Geraldine @ Corralling Books

    1. And don't we already have too much stress in our lives? XD I think the most important part is just to read what you want, no matter the number or size. Thanks for commenting, Geraldine! ❤

  6. Hey ho :)
    Amen to this. Reading SHOULD be fun, not stressful! I review books and I'm sad to say I sometimes let that fact overwhelm me, but I aim to really enjoy the books this year! Reading is definitely one of my passions!

    1. Hello! ❤
      I think there isn't really a point to reading if you don't find it at least somewhat enjoyable, and I never want to detract from that. I hope you read some great books this year, and thanks for commenting!

    2. I agree, and thank you muchly! I hope the same for you. :)

  7. There is no way in hell I can read 300+ books, I can barely reach 100, which might I add has never been a goal for me. I never put any pressure on myself to read a ton of books a year. I do the goodreads challenge, not to actually challenge myself, but to keep track of what I'm reading throughout the year. With a memory like mine, it's so easy to forget I've read a book lol. Last year my goal was 50 and I read 71 or 72, and this year I made my goal 80 books I believe. The only reading challenges I'm really concerned with doing is to read more backlisted, and diverse books. I really liked this discussion post, it was something that definitely needed to be said!

    1. Maybe if we had all day, everyday to read, but life just gets in the way. I WISH I had the option to do nothing but read, eat oreos, and watch Netflix, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. I definitely add the books I read to Goodreads, but I have never set in a goal. I definitely need to read my backlist books, though. I'm so glad you liked it, and thanks for commenting! ❤

  8. TOTALLY LOVE THIS POST, ERIN! I'm so glad you decided to speak up about it, but I'm also kind of miffed you didn't come up with it sooner. *sniffles* I've been constantly bashing myself up for being the only person NOT signing up for challenges and so I finally caved in and signed up for TWO this year- not to mention the GR challenge which I set up for 75 books. I'm regretting this already because it TOTALLY takes the pleasure away from reading and yes, makes it seem like a chore. I did do the GR challenge last year and even completed it (91/80), but the pressure. I DON'T deal well with pressure. Oh god, I don't know WHAT I was thinking, signing up for them this year when life's busy enough already. Oh, well. Let's see how this year goes, and then maybe I'll join your club next year! :D

    Ruzaika @ The Regal Critiques

    1. THANK YOU, RUZAIKA! Better late than never though, right? I've definitely felt the pressure to join challenge since I started blogging, but I could never bring myself to do it. Good luck on yours, even though it doesn't sound like you're having much fun so far. It's too late to back out, huh? There's always next year. ❤ Anyways, thanks for commenting!

  9. I am one of the people who does set a number goal. There are times where I wish I hadn't because I would stress out for not reaching it. However, I like goals. It never really discourages me. I have learned to set a low goal so that way it's attainable. One year I should just go with the flow and see what happens. It'd be kind of cool!

    1. I have never set a number goal, although I have been tempted every time Goodreads sends me a notification about it. I've almost set it to something extremely low just to get it to stop bugging me! XD Thanks for commenting and happy reading!
