Friday, August 21, 2020

The Most Annoying Book Characters of All Time

Do you ever become so annoyed at a character that you want to throw the book against the wall? Or maybe punch said character in the face if only to knock some sense into them? Honestly, a character can make or break a book. Some books feature such amazing, interesting characters that I can't help but be pulled in. But some have protagonists that I find to be so infuriating that it makes reading the book nearly impossible. Also, this is all in jest so if I mention one of your favorite characters, don't worry! We all just have different preferences.

america singer

Like everyone else back in 2013/2014, I read The Selection series by Kiera Cass. The series is set in a dystopian America where citizens are organized into a cast system based on job and income. The country is ruled by a monarchy that selects new partners through a Bachelor-esque televised dating show. Seriously. Everyone in the book internet sphere seemed to read and enjoy the trilogy. However, most commented on how irritating the main character, America Singer, was. I wholeheartedly agree. America might be the singularly most irritating character I have ever had the misfortune of reading about. She is whiny, entitled, and naive. You are supposed to root for the main character in most novels yet I struggled to care about America. She created most of the petty problems herself and either reacted poorly or failed to act at all. This made reading the romance, which is central to the plot, difficult when one half of the partnership is unbearable. 

aelin galathynius

This choice may be a controversial one. Some readers are die hard fans of not only the Throne of Glass series but of its infamous protagonist, Celaena/Aelin. Personally, I tend to dislike her. Not only is she the world's worst assassin, she is arrogant and entitled. I did not mind her as a character in the beginning of the series but my dislike for her grew over time. At first, I enjoyed her confidence and open enjoyment of traditionally feminine things while still being a warrior. However, her "humor" and smug attitude eventually got on my nerves. Sarah J. Maas frequently tells the audience how talented and powerful Celaena/Aelin is but rarely shows it, especially in the earlier books. I see the appeal of her yet cannot partake in the enjoyment myself.

dolores umbridge 

I think this one goes without saying. Every childhood Harry Potter fan despised Dolores Umbridge with each atom in their being. She is manipulative, callous, and downright evil. Umbridge abused children and took advantage of her position in the corrupt ministry to further her own selfish desires. Most readers hated her even more than they hated Voldemort. She actively opposed a more inclusive and progressive (or actually functioning haha) government. Ultimately, she sided with Voldemort and his minions out of her own personal hatred and ambition. While Voldemort was cutthroat and clear in his desires, Umbridge used the guise of a ministry official as a front to hide her nefarious goals. Essentially, Umbridge sucks and nothing will ever change my mind. 

literally everyone in twilight 

Even as an eleven year old I harbored an intense dislike for most of the characters in Twilight. The only redeemable characters are Charlie and Alice. Perhaps I could throw Carlisle in there, too. Let's see...Bella is a boring Mary Sue who places romantic love above everything else, Edward is a stalker and a hundred-year old virgin, and Jacob pursues a girl who actively turns him down multiple times. Plus he fell in love with a newborn baby. Yeah. 

rachel watson 

Rachel Watson is the alcoholic divorcee from The Girl on the Train. Perhaps I am biased because it is one of my least favorite novels ever. However, a big contributing factor to me disliking that novel was the horrible cast of characters. I hated every single character in the series, especially the protagonist. Listen, I understand that not all characters are meant to be liked. But reading a murder mystery and finding yourself incapable of caring whether the main character lives or dies is just...sad, and clearly indicates major issues with characterization. Rachel is an unreliable narrator but her personality is so weak that instead of inspiring intrigue, she simply inspires boredom. As Rachel attempts to solve a murder while also trying to piece herself back together, I found myself wishing the story revolved around someone else. 

Who are your least favorite characters?


  1. I reread The Selection series a few months ago and I have to agree that I could really see how annoying America was. I feel like i didn't pay attention to her much when I first read the book back in my teen years. But now I see all her faults. She was so judgy to the other girls. She was definitely one of those characters who judged other girls for liking makeup, in order to heighten her "not like other girls personality." I hated how condescending she was.

    1. Oh man, I HATE the "not like other girls" phenomenon. First of all, that is not a personality trait. Secondly, what is wrong with being like other girls? And lastly, that does not make you special. I feel like this was very present in early 2010s YA literature like The Selection.

  2. My least favorite character has to be Kitty Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. She's the worst! She childish, rude, insufferable, selfish, etc. Her foolishness blindsides her from realizing how she jeopardized her family's reputation. Even if she found out, she wouldn't care.

    1. Ugh, she is indeed the worst. I have not read the book yet (I know, I know) but I finally watched the film for the first time and WOW I hated Kitty. So selfish.

    2. Omg I just realized I wrote kitty instead of Lydia *facepalm*

  3. I love this post 😂 I agree that America and Bella are pretty annoying, but for me the most annoying character is Mare Barrow from Red Queen.

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

    1. Haha, thank you! One of the reasons I never read The Red Queen when it was super popular was because the characters seemed so annoying.

  4. To be honest, I don't remember Selection much and this saying a lot! I even have the second book, but I never bothered to return. I actually liked Aelin Galathynius (again, read only one book), she was mouthy. LOL. I guess I did not realize (maybe) they were annoying at the time. A subject I must look into deeper!
