Friday, September 4, 2015

Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson

Publication Date:
Publisher:  Simon & Schuster
Series:  Stand Alone
Pages:  449
Genre:  Contemporary
Synopsis:  It was Sloane who yanked Emily out of her shell and made life 100% interesting. But right before what should have been the most epic summer, Sloane just…disappears. All she leaves behind is a to-do list.

On it, thirteen Sloane-inspired tasks that Emily would normally never try. But what if they could bring her best friend back?

Apple picking at night? Okay, easy enough.

Dance until dawn? Sure. Why not?

Kiss a stranger? Um... 

Emily now has this unexpected summer, and the help of Frank Porter (totally unexpected), to check things off Sloane's list. Who knows what she’ll find?

Go skinny-dipping? Wait...what?

Review:  This is not the typical kind of book I would read.  There is a serious lack of demons and sadness.  I liked it anyway.  My brain must be broken.  Someone order a brain MRI!

This book is the equivalent of a Disney Channel movie you would watch as a kid (and probably still watch, if you're like me).  It is easy and entertaining and wholeheartedly sweet, if not the most profound thing in the entire universe.  It's no We Were Liars, but the writing is solid and absorbing.  I would it suggest for a lazy weekend.

The plot is predictable, although that should be fairly expected.  It's a book about growth and coming out of your shell (reference the Disney movies).  Everything falls into place perfectly in the end, despite the many (and I do mean many) mishaps that happen along the way.  The focus is on friendship and learning to come out of your shell, which is a nice change from the usual contemporary reads with angst and fluffy romance.

Real friends are the ones you can count on no matter what.
The ones who go into the forest to find you and bring you home.  And real friends never have to tell you that they’re your friends.

Emily is shy, there is no doubt about that.  I'm not exactly the most outgoing person in the world, but I just can't see stressing about the littlest of things like she does.  She used Sloane, her best friend, as a crutch, and it was more of a thank god moment to see her learning to stand on her own two feet.  Watching all these new friendships unfold as Emily connects with others is so heart warming.  

Sloane is a Manic Pixie Dream Girl.  She's the less annoying version of Margo Roth Spiegelman from Paper Towns.  She is extroverted, confident, and practically worshiped by Emily.  As a pair, they are unbelievably cute.  But Sloane happens to be a pretty sucky friend, and I did wonder why Emily had such an attachment to someone who treated her rather poorly.

But yay for new friends!  Frank, Dawn, and Collins make the funniest group of weirdos ever.  They bond as they attempt to help Emily finish her list (which is equally as hilarious).  It's all so adorable and makes me think of ice cream and kittens.  The romance is pleasant and thankfully not terribly sappy (again, with the Disney movie-ness). 

In a well-ordered universe...camping would take place indoors.

The ending, although a little abrupt and doesn't tie up all the loose ends, fits the book perfectly and I couldn't imagine a better way to close off the book that didn't feel staged. 

Since You've Been Gone is a light, charming summer read--one that a thoroughly enjoyed.  It isn't one for the ages and I won't remember it in twenty years time, but it's still a fun book that I am glad I made the time to read. 

3.5 Keys


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I haven't read Since You've Been Gone, but about a week ago I read Fish Out of Water by Natalie Whipple and it was slightly similar to this book, as far as the whole summery atmosphere goes! Although, it kinda just reminded me that my summer is now OVER. And yay for the Disney movie reference! I wish soooo much that I had the Disney Channel. I would literally never leave the television. Great review Erin! :-)

    1. It was certainly a fun turn! Books like this one are always cute and quick to read! I like reading summery books in, you know, summertime. They characters always have more eventful vacations than I do, though... I wish summer wasn't over, though! I wasn't ready! And there's always room for a Disney reference. Thanks for commenting, Rebekah! :D

  2. Oh glad you liked this. I own this one and want to get to it soon. Glad to hear Sloane is better than Margo (she was the worst!) Great review!

    1. I hope you read it soon! It's adorable. Sloane IS similar to Margo, but much better. I really disliked Margo. Thanks for commenting!

  3. I don't have the Disney Channel, but the girl I babysit watches those movies a lot and I kind of love them. I think I have the mental age of a ten year old, and I'm not even ashamed. I've owned this book for way too long and I really, really need to read it, if anything as a break from those huge/angsty fantasy novels. :P This is an awesome review, Erin. :)

    1. Oh, you poor soul! It's more of a childhood experience. They had the best shows and movies on TV as a kid. Disney in general is the best thing ever invented. I hope you get to this one before summer feels officially gone! It's a very light, summery read. Thanks, Emma! :D

  4. Aw I'm a little disappointed that it wasn't that memorable because I had such high expectations over this one. I read all of the author's books, and I have yet to read it. (I actually have a borrowed copy with me teehee.) But I like the idea of friendship in this book :D And that it's a coming-of-age story! I don't know how this book would make me feel, but I'm hoping it'd do good to me! Great review <3

    1. It IS sweet and adorable--the high expectations are deserved! I just tend to remember and like books that are sadder. Wow, that sounds creepy. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this. It is a lot of fun. It makes you smile, that's for sure! Thanks for commenting, Jillian! :D

  5. Omg, I LOVED this book!! I loved Emily and I loved all the lists and I think her shyness was really well represented. :') Although I don't feel like Sloane was Emily's crutch, per se, I think she was Emily's more lifeline kinda? Like her shield against the world? hehe, ANYWAY. I loved the development, and the only thing I didn't like was that Frank and Emily were kinda cheating when he still had a girlfriend. *shrugs* But still! I LOVED all the "well ordered universe" quotes. XD Camping should totally be indoors...

    1. YAY! It is SO CUTE, isn't it? Sloane was definitely a life line, but I do think she needed to leave in order for Emily to learn to stand on her own. I was also pretty uncomfortable with the whole cheating thing. No matter what the circumstances, it isn't okay! I agree about the "in a well ordered universe..." stuff. Camping most definitely should be held indoors. The outernet is scary. XD

  6. "serious lack of demons and sadness" D: how did you manage to finish this!? Haha jk but I really like a good portion of demons and sadness in books too. I never finished this book for some felt too long of a contemporary read but I did enjoy the lazy summery feel of the story. Sloane definitely was a Manic Pixie Dream Girl but I still liked her at times.

    1. Haha, I totally forgot I wrote that! ;D It had less bumps in the night, but plenty of adorableness. I do see what you mean about it being too long. Some parts were dragged out when they could have been shorter, but I like a slow build sometimes. Sloane was...interesting. Thanks for commenting!
