Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. This week you can read the title because I don't feel like repeating myself. Honestly, I don't entirely trust posts like these! To me, books are very individual, and just because you liked one doesn't guarantee you will like the other! That is one reason that this is another short Top Ten Tuesday. The other reason is lack of time. School and life are both quite hectic right now and although I try my best, for the next two weeks or so my posting may be a bit off!
Holly Black and Cassandra Clare have very similar writing styles. They have to, considering they did write a book together. That isn't this book, but The Darkest Part of the Forest is certainly wonderful. It has just the right amount of whimsy and horror.
Things The Mortal Instruments and The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer have in common: angst, tension, and sarcasm sprinkled in among the horror.
Complex plots and characters are two factors this series and The Mortal Instruments share. I do not recommend if you dislike cliff hangers, although you are probably used to them after having read Cassandra Clare's books.
Remarkable characters, remarkable quotes--yep, just like a Cassandra Clare book. The world building is also something I would like to compare, since both are fantastic. Really, I have just mentioned this series so many times that it has probably become redundant.
I don't know what it is exactly, but something about this book reminds me of The Mortal Instruments. Or should I say that The Mortal Instruments reminds me of Cruel Beauty, which I read first? I don't know--just go read this.