Friday, August 17, 2018

Falling Off the Face of the Planet

I have effectively fallen off of the face of the planet the past year or so. Or in other words, the online world. In recent years, my life has been consumed by high school and by my goal of acceptance into my first choice college. Now, I have graduated and been accepted, so I would like my life to take center stage. 

Most of my time has been dedicated to achieving my academic goals and reaching milestones. There was hardly enough time in a day to breathe, much less pursue hobbies of mine. Reading, writing, baking--all of it fell to the side in deference to other, larger things. Although I am proud of my accomplishments, I feel almost as if I have taken a leave of absence from my own life. I do not know what challenges college will bring, but hopefully it will leave more room for me to explore myself and my passions. After all, isn't that what the true college experience is supposed to be?

life on the other side

High school graduation
After all the hard work, dedication, and tears, I managed to graduate high school fifth in my class with all my awards and cords. I finished my extensive Honors Project and managed to beat off senioritis (well, sort of). All in all, I'm proud of myself. It was no easy feat, and I made it out relatively unscathed. 

Turning 18
Ah, adulthood. Or not really. I sometimes think that no one is really an adult or knows what they're doing and that they are just making it up as they go along. I went hiking and had red velvet cake, as well as registering to vote!

Performed in my last dance recital 

For me, dance has always been a hobby rather than a passion. Yet I'm still sad to see its days come to an end. I do plan on auditioning for club dance in college, but it won't be the same.

Got my first job
Surprise, surprise--I'm currently working in a cupcake store. It's been a blast so far, and I'm lucky to be working in such a positive environment.  

the awaiting future

starting college
In all honesty? I don't know what to expect. I have all these ideas bubbling over in my brain, paired with nervousness and tied with excitement. But I won't really know until I get there. All I know now is that I cannot wait to experience whatever life has to throw at me from here on out. 

moving out
I've had my fair share of moving, but I've never lived with anyone other than my immediate family. My family and I are pretty close-knit. I don't know what I would do without them, and I know that I'll miss them more than I expect (especially my cat). I've chosen my roommate, gone shopping for dorm decor, and planned as much as I can. I'm ready to go, but it will be a bittersweet affair. 


  1. Congrats for graduating! As someone who just finished their first year of university I can tell you that there will be highs and lows, but the most important thing I would say is to take things slow! Don’t push yourself too far or you’ll just get stressed out, and just take every hurdle as part of the experience. I hope you have the best time!

    1. Thank you! It's definitely been pretty insane so far, and incredibly busy. Time just slips away. And I've noted this advice because I need it (trust me). Hope you're doing well!

  2. Congratulations Erin! <33 Graduation always felt bittersweet for me, I'm both excited but sad to leave that part of my life behind! I think university is totally more relaxed than high school, you have more time to pursue other things :)

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

    1. Thank you, Tasya! It's definitely bittersweet, but college has been a wild ride for me so far.
